Televac AN 3009:MM200与PC的接口和通信


This application note explains the process for interfacing and communicating with an MM200 from a Windows 7 PC. The serial communications program Tera Term must be installed prior to following these instructions. If you don’t have Tera Term installed, click here to download.


1. Connect the MM200 serial port on the back of the unit to your PC, either using a serial to USB converter or a serial port on your PC. Note that a straight through D-sub 9 pin cable should be used.

2.打开 "开始 "菜单。

3.打开 "控制面板"。

4.打开 "硬件和声音"。

5.打开 "设备管理器"。


7. Determine the COM port assignment for your MM200, in this example the MM200 is assigned to COM3.

8. Determine the COM port assignment for your MM200, in this example the MM200 is assigned to COM3.

9. Open Tear Term.

10. Open the Setup menu and select the Serial port… option

11. Change the Port setting to the COM port for your MM200, in this example it is COM3.

12. Ensure that the remainder of the settings match what is shown below, then select OK. Note that this example uses the default baud rate of 9600.

  1. 波特率9600
  2. 数据。8位
  3. 奇偶性:无
  4. 停止:1位
  5. 流量控制。Xon/Xoff
  6. 传输延迟。0毫秒/字,0毫秒/行

13. Open the Setup menu and select the Terminal… option.

14. Ensure that the settings are the following, then select OK:

  1. 接收:CR+LF
  2. 发射:CR+LF
  3. 本地回音检查

15. You should now be able to communicate with the MM200. As an example, send the following command to read the setup information for the unit: “ST<cr>” (not including the quotations, <cr> is equivalent to pressing the enter key).

16. If your unit is in burst mode, not all commands will be usable. To exit burst mode, use the following command (<cr> is equivalent to pressing the Enter key):

  • BF<cr>

17. If you want to re-enter burst mode, use the following command:

  • BN<cr>


Televac®️ MM200 Vacuum Controller


- 客户可配置的设计
- RS-232/RS-485数字通信
- 支持多达8个继电器设置点
- 可选择的测量单位